Within Gällivare municipality and the municipal companies, we are keen to live by our guidelines, principles and applicable laws. We want to make it possible to identify and act on signals of possible misconduct in our operations at an early stage.
We hope that it will always feel natural to talk to us directly if you see things that shouldn't be happening, but even if you want to remain anonymous, it should be possible to raise concerns. That's why we offer a whistleblowing channel.
The whistleblowing function is a reporting channel for reporting serious misconduct in the municipality's organization and is for:
  • Employees
  • Contractors
  • interns
  • Other people who have a work-related role in Gällivare municipality
  • Former municipal employees
  • People looking for work in the municipality
The channel is primarily intended to capture serious misconduct/irregularities and that these should be investigated and handled promptly. For example, through the whistleblowing function, an employee can report suspicions:
  • Serious safety deficiencies
  • Fraud or financial crime
  • Leakage of sensitive information
  • Bribery or corruption
  • Disqualification or favoritism of related parties
  • Theft or other breach of law
  • Serious misconduct, for example serious deviation from internal guidelines
  • Gross discrimination
  • Inappropriate secondary employment or any other situation in which a person derives private gain or advantage from their position.
All notifications will be processed. If the notification is deemed to be outside
the purpose of the whistleblowing function, it will not be handled according to whistleblowing procedures
but are referred to another appropriate party in the organization. Desired anonymity also remains
if it is deemed not to be a whistleblowing case.
Please read more in our whistleblowing guidelines.
To make a report, you can access the external website of the whistleblowing channel and fill in a form with relevant information. Cases are investigated by a designated whistleblowing function in the municipality or by an external investigator.
NOTE! To guarantee your anonymity, we advise you to:
  1. Use a computer outside the Gällivare municipality network when reporting, as web traffic from the workplace may be traceable.
  2. Copy and paste or click directly on the following link in your browser: https://lantero.report/gallivarekommun Link to another website, opens in a new window.


Scan with QR code to access the whistleblowing channel.


Expression of interest Gladan

From October 7, you will be able to register your interest in the rental apartments on the block Gladan.


It is now possible to register your interest in the apartments. We will publish the apartments in [...]

Elevator replacement at Engelsmannen

During week 37, starting on 9/9, we will start the work of replacing the elevators [...]