When you apply for housing with Topbostäder, rent or have rented an apartment/place/garage/carport from us, have a guarantee or similar type of agreement with us or are a partner - we process your personal data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR, 2016/679).

The data controller, i.e. responsible for all processing of personal data carried out, is Topbostäder AB.

The GDPR is designed to protect you so that your privacy is not violated by the misuse of your personal data. Your personal data can only be processed if you have given your consent, if we have a contract or if there is a legal basis.

Personal data is data that can be linked to your person in one way or another. It can be direct data such as name, address, email address, social security number or telephone number. But it can also be indirect data such as apartment number and IP address.

At Topbostäder, your personal data is registered when you register as an applicant on our website via My Pages, when you receive an apartment offer and when you sign a contract for an apartment/parking space/garage/carport. The same applies if you sign a guarantee or similar agreement on behalf of a tenant. We process your personal data in order to deliver services, send invoices and information and otherwise fulfill our responsibility as a contracting party.

When you are an applicant, we collect and process your personal data to administer your application. We do this because we have a legitimate interest in processing your personal data. The data is retained as long as you are in our queue. To ensure your place in the queue, you must update your data at least once a year, otherwise the data will be deleted.

When you are offered a home with us, we need to process more information about you. For example, we need information about your finances, your employment, how you have handled previous housing and rent payments, and any information about a trustee/guardian. This means that we make a credit check, process employment certificates, other certificates and information from references you provide to us.

When you become our customer and receive a rental agreement, we process your personal data in order to fulfill and administer our obligations as landlord and contracting party. During the tenancy, we process your personal data, for example, when we send out rental notices and handle your payments, when we negotiate rent and when we send you information.

We also process your personal data when it is necessary to defend a legal claim. We may need to do this if, for example, there are disturbances in the accommodation, late or non-payment of rent or damage to the apartment. We may also need to disclose your personal data to the social welfare board or other relevant authorities.

We may use data processors to process your personal data. For example, a contractor to repair something in your apartment, a company that provides broadband or electricity, or a company that manages our IT systems. We also disclose your personal data when this is required by law or by decision of the authorities.

Topbostäder will delete and clear personal data about you when you have moved out of your apartment, but some data must be kept for at least two years afterwards. Information about you that is in our accounting material, such as payments, we will save for seven years including the current year.


Expression of interest Gladan

From October 7, you will be able to register your interest in the rental apartments on the block Gladan.


It is now possible to register your interest in the apartments. We will publish the apartments in [...]

Elevator replacement at Engelsmannen

During week 37, starting on 9/9, we will start the work of replacing the elevators [...]